Many of you know that I spent years studying sacred sexual traditions, partially as book research, and partially because I could sense that this was another pathway to the same energy I'd been seeking all my life. The two ladies who are teaching this workshop in New York are among the few I would endorse heartily--their knowledge of the traditions is impeccable, and their personal energy is excellent. If the following notice calls to you, and you live in the New York area, you wouldn't be disappointed!
Men's Night:
Cultivating Your Masculine Sexuality
Thursday, March 8: 7 – 10 pm. $35
One Spirit Learning Alliance, 330 W 38th St, Suite 1500, New York, NY 10018
With Mukee Okan and Kristin Viken
How can you transform sex from the dutiful, familiar, mundane into a potent form of expression as a man?
Sex is the strongest force within and the foundation of existence. When you block your sexual expression
you create imbalance in many forms — including depression, illness and disease.
Sex can increase your pleasure, aliveness, vitality and health, prosperity and abundance.
An evening of practical men’s sexuality teachings from the tantric traditions and shamanic ceremonial lineage.
Experience your infinite sexual energy more powerfully as a man.
The evening will encompass specific teachings on the qualities of the masculine.
And how a man can seed his vision and gift to the planet through his balance in all aspects — including his sexuality.
Both Mukee and Kristin have worked individually with many men over many years to inspire, support and encourage full sexual expression.
MUKEE Breezes Love is a sacred sexuality teacher and tantra artist. Her foundation is in the essence of Tantra, since 1984, shamanic spiritual sexuality since 1990 and as a surrogate partner therapist in the Western medical model for sexual healing since 1995. Mukee loves to share what works. <>
KRISTIN Golden Ring Snake is a sacred sexuality teacher and an international authority in dearmoring the blocks to full orgasmic expression in the body. Kristin leads recapitulated shamanic de-armoring intensives in the United States, Canada, Norway and Australia. <>
To register and for more information
Call Yael: 718-388-3382
Or Mukee: 602-482-961
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Thanks for this wonderful info! I am a big fan of your post. I think you made a great job making a post about this topic 'cause many people takes the topic of sexuality as a joke or something.
It can't really have success, I suppose like this.
Really useful information, thanks so much for the article.
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