The Home of Steven Barnes
Author, Teacher, Screenwriter

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Why Even Care?

I was asked about “Assassin’s Creed” and I’ve got bad news: the book isn’t going to be published. No, there was nothing wrong with it: Marco Palmieri at Pocket Books was perfectly happy with it. But it seems that the video company got visits from descendants of the ORIGINAL ASSASSINS, members of the Ismaeli sect currently led by the Agha Khan in India. They…suggested that Ubisoft, the game company, show more respect for their ancestors, and Ubisoft went all pitter-patter. Next thing we knew, they wanted to remove all religious references from the book. I guess the Crusades were about shoe size or something. Then they hired an expert to vet the book. Curious that they hadn’t thought about that before, eh? And finally, they wanted to send the book to the Agha Khan’s people for their suggestions. By this time, Marco was thoroughly disenchanted. The book was turning into puree of bat shit, and I was no longer amused. The whole three-book project died.

Wow. Strange. Still got paid for the first one, though…

Here’s an article stating that EIGHTY PERCENT of white people harbor some subconscious distaste for black people. Generalize this to a statement about how people of group X feel about group Y, jigger the numbers a bit, and you have my feeling for why we have so much strife. Specifically, this should help you understand why black people feel so angry and threatened. Wouldn’t you, if outnumbered ten to one by people who don’t like you, and have vast and pervasive power over you?

Interesting to note that many of the ones in the 20% who AREN’T racist basically don’t form negative associations at all. Do 80% of black people have negative associations toward whites? They darned well should, but I simply don’t know. On the one hand you have 400 years of hideous history. On the other, the brainwashing of countless images of strong, brave, smart, holy, impossibly noble and heroic white folks, begun in infancy and repeated countless times a day every day since, for the rest of their lives.

There will be quite reasonable chicken-and-egg speculation, of course. Which came first, negative attitudes and actions, triggering loss of faith in the system, rage and pain, followed by negative behaviors in black people? Or: negative behaviors in black people, leading to negative reactions on the part of whites?

You know my belief: this stuff is hard-wired, unless you program and brainwash otherwise. I find it impossible to believe that the average white American in the 21st Century has a lower opinion of blacks than did 17th=18th Century whites. In terms of world history, it is impossible to figure out which group threw the first stone. But in terms of the American Experiment, it’s pretty clear that we got hosed, and no one ever made a serious attempt to compensate for that thorough, multi-generational, 360-degree hosing.

Fine. I don’t expect people to be fair enough to actually undo the damage done. But try being honest enough to grasp the enormity of it…
I had a student ask why, if nothing ultimately matters, we should care about anything at all. Well, that’s why no world religion will take you all the way to clarity: there’s no social benefit. However, encoded within each major religion seems to be a hidden path to dis-assembling the ego walls without turning you into a bum, madman, or wandering Saint. It seems to be the inculcation of core values at a young age, such that the residual ego shell still functions appropriately even after you’ve shed the illusions. It’s tricky stuff.

My guess is that the gate of Adulthood—responsibility for the core values held by the culture (my version of this is body-mind-spirit) MUST be passed before deeper, more secret teachings are offered. Most will try to go straight for the goodies. But religions are what Buddhism refers to as the “large boat” while direct experience of the divine is the “small boat”, not for everyone. I don’t recommend it. I just speak about it because, as I realized yesterday, this blog is my version of Literary Autolysis.

But to more directly, try this: a baseball game doesn’t “matter”. But if you decide to play, you learn the rules and play hard, to the best of your ability. If you don’t want to play, you lose the right to complain about the results you get in this world.

The challenge is to be “in the world, but not of the world.” To play hard, to learn the rules, to clarify our understandings, and then to move on.

To say “it doesn’t matter” falls right back into dualistic thinking, and logic breaks down a bit. “It matters/it doesn’t matter.” They don’t exist separate from perception.

If you can’t play hard, work hard, care for your family, engage with your community, preserve your body, provide goods and services, and grasp the fact that we can know NOTHING other than the “I am”—then please, please, please don’t try this. Don’t use “nothing matters” as an excuse to ignore your worldly affairs.

Remember the chakras? Master the lower ones BEFORE you get to spirit. Otherwise, I promise you, rather than clarity, you will be lost in illusion, and feeling holy about it. Obese, broke, and lonely…and feeling smugly superior to all us idiots who act as if the world is real. And then secretly weeping at night, confused as hell: with all this wisdom, why am I so miserable?

Trust me: you don’t want to go down that road.


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severusdecker said...

I this is a somewhat old post but I came across it while looking up Assassin's Creed books. I beileve that them pulling your book in the name of being politically correct is a load of crap. If they were worried about being that way they shouldn't have published the game. Whats the difference in a game and a book other that one is visiually interactive and one is not?
I would still love to read the books though. I doubt that someone at pocket books would get a manuscript copy slipped out on the internet though. Too bad. Amazon need to take it preorder stuff off their webite though, I guess they like to tease us.

Anonymous said...

This is quite a sad day. After playing and completing the First game of a hopeful trilogy last week, I have been waiting for the day "Assassin's Creed: The Invisible Imam" book was to be released, and was currently online hoping to find a copy to purchase. Now seeing that the entire series has completely scrapped because descendants of the original Ismaili Hashashim sect are wanting more respect has disappointed me. The desendants of evil Egyptian Pharaohs or tyrant Romans kings fighting for more respect of their people's decendants, or even German Decendants of hitler for that matter. The entire series is completely Fiction, with some small portion of truth to stabilize a linear timeline of when the stories were actually being portrayed.

You would think that reading is a good thing to promote, however according to what I've now seen tonight, has made me think, are books becoming ancient like the stories they hold within their pages.

I was excited to read about the history of Altair, as well as wait in anticipation for the other two books, and the games beside them.

It now seems that a new low in society has finally been reached. Books are the only path to real imagination and creativity, and curbing ones insight to those traits, will effectively destroy the birth of future authors, artists and the free will to see yourself in an entirely different world when you need to take time out of your own.

Anonymous said...

It's a damn shame that the decendants did this...I understand people wanting others to show respect for their ancestors, but that book was one of the things I was so looking forward to.

Ubisoft needs to put those people in their place; why publish the game if you can't publish the book?

Steve, sorry they screwed up what would have been a masterpiece.

Anonymous said...

I can't express my displeasure in this. I beat the game the other day, and I was really looking forward to more information. Even looked around for some good books to read, but it's remarkably hard to find any accurate assassin books that are also interesting. (If you know of any, I'd love to hear about them).

How long before they realize how effective their bitching went before the game's become affected by complaints?

The people above me have hit the nail right on the head. Why is it okay for the games to be out, but not the books? I seriously doubt everybody who played the game will be able to open and read a book, so does it really matter how much they complain to get the book stopped?

By the way, how many pages did the first book take up?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry they cancelled your book... That's a load of crap...

How the whole "80% of whites have distaste of blacks" fits in I don't know, but thats ridiculous. Everyone distastes anything different to them, no matter how hard they try it. That isn't to say they "don't like" blacks, just have a "distaste" for them.

And to answer your question, yes I'm sure 80% of blacks harbor "distaste" towards whites. It's a cycle that will probably never end, as long as ignoprant people are in the world.

""No one ever made a serious attempt to compensate for that thorough, multi-generational, 360-degree hosing. Fine. I don’t expect people to be fair enough to actually undo the damage done""

How exactly do you "undo the damage done?" Slavery has been over in the US for almost 150 years, segregation (which also affected Hispanics and Asians, but do you hear them complaining?) has been over for close to 50. Nor have I, my father, his father, or his father owned slaves.

Compare the plight of the American Indians. They were raped, murdered, mades slaves, had theior land and possessions stolen from them, plagued, and hered like animals from all around the country to tiny little reservations.
Similar to the former plight of the blacks, but blacks got their freedom back, and got equality back. What did the Indians get back? Not a damn thing. But they aren't complaining, though they should.

Anonymous said...

NOTE: Sorry for my typos... I'm really tired.

Anonymous said...

As a neo-Ismaili I can tell you why Ismaili's are so sensitive to this issue. As the descendents of the Nizari Ismailis who were known as the Assassins, they have been blamed for "starting" islamic terrorism" There is even a video on Youtube which suggests that they were behind 9-11. There truth of the matter is that the Assassination stuff is most legendary anyways in 150 years of history they offed about 200 Islamic leaders who were oppressing them. And the act was not not particularly exciting as the video game would suggest. An actual Nizari assassin would spend years getting close to the target and then stike. They would not try to escape and would usually die on the spot killed by their targets security forces.

Since they sect has gotten out of the assassination business over 700 years ago, they really are sensitive.

Also, the assassins played a rather minor role late in the Crusades (the Nizari's didn't organize until 1094 way after the first crusade).

shak el

severusdecker said...

To Shak-El,
I understand your viewpoint, as I have recently been studying both your religious sect of Islam, and the Qur'an. But the main point we are making is that while the game and book is inspired by actual events it is still a work of Fiction. If the people who opposed the book were so hell bent on it stopping it's production, why did they not do the same for the game?

Anonymous said...

The game was a complete surprize.

shak el

Anonymous said...

It would have been nice if you had at least let them put "Reference to the neo-Ismaili is in Name only, and bear no factual resemblence to the Historic neo-Ismaili Assassins this book is purely fiction for entertainment only, and should not be used to judge the neo-Ismaili people." I for one had never considered that your decendants were the start of islamic terrorism. Get your people to allow the three books to proceed, and think that Maybe, just maybe, if people who consider fiction as factual events, could rethink their views, and see that the assassins were not as bad as your people are making them sound. Now with Assassin's Creed 2 being developed, are your people going to try to stop that as well? I should hope not. History in whatever form, is still history, everyone knows history is written from the views of the 'good', and considering you were the HERO in the game, I would figure that it should benefit your people, as you never know, there could be kids who wish to learn the history of your people after playing the game or reading a book.

Anonymous said...

First of all the Author basicly doesnt know about current Ismailis - they are not rulled from INDIA. How one can write a book about stuff that he/she doesn't know.
Secondly, what if the author wrote about a poor nazi soldier (he was only a soldier) who was somehow engaged in Holocaust and you present him as positive...
That action would cause worse consequenses, believe me.

Anonymous said...

FICTION is meant for entertainment.

A book is still a medium of literature. Would you prefer to read a book with some good entertainment value, or a newspaper full of lies and misguided truths?

Those people who choose to ruin literature with political correctness make me sick.

Because of people of your type, a three book series has been cast aside and thrown out to the garbage, rather than being read and enjoyed by possibly millions of people.

Anonymous said...

What a load of crock. The Aga Khan in India, he doesn't live in india, he lives in france. Secondly, having both played AC and being an Ismaili (which the author spelt wrong), I can hardly see any reason for the complaint, we really don't put much attention on the media view of us, nor do we try to hard to present a specific view. My guess, this whole article is simply an excuse for a lack of funding on Ubi's side

Anonymous said...

do you know if there is any way that i could still read it?i really wanted to read that book a sounded like a great book and i loved the you know if there is any way that i can?

Anonymous said...

They release 'The Da Vinci Code' but not 'Assassins Creed'?


Anonymous said...

It is too bad that we the general public who have taken an interest in the whole Assassin's Creed idea couldn't just start a petition to get at least one of the three books released. Sadly This will never happen. Why? It is because of some Politial Correctness BS that the Freedom of Speech in literature has once again been silenced.

whatta ya know???? said...

As a Sunni Muslim I guess it is not my place to talk about the Assassin's Creed books and how they may offend Ismaelis. However, I Really had no problem with the games or even other types of entertainment set during the crusades such as “Kingdom of Heaven”. Quite frankly from what works by the authors I have read such as his Bilalistan series he probably not write this in a offensive way anyway.

Anonymous said...

I'm Italian, therefore sorry for my bad English. However I want to say only this: the censorship is the first footstep against the liberty... our democratic western societies have made more and more rules to defense of the humans rights, but these rules have become so extreme that we aren't freeeer. In truth we are imprisoned of the fear...


Anonymous said...

... I want to add... I'm tired of the religions... too wars, too many corpses in names of a God...
On a thing Marx was right: the religions are the opium of the people.
I finally want citharas the sentence of an Italian writer (Stefano Benni):
"God, I don't know if you exist, but if you didn't exist you would make a best figure!"


M3TALL1CA2000 said...

I know I am most likely too late to post this bit of info, but I'll mention it nonetheless...

Also, have in mind that this is what I've been able to come across, after having purchased and finished the game, having red the guide by Prima Official Guides, watching a couple of trailers, coupled with what Steve wrote...

If you remember correctly in the 2007 demo presentation for E3, Talal calls Altair an "Hashashin" and goes so far as to say that "There is no God, Hashashin and if there ever was (...)" etc, etc. Now, if you play the retail version, such words are nowhere to be seen, since they've been removed.

In other words, the game was deliberately censored, just like the book was supposed too... Like Steve says:

"Next thing we knew, they wanted to remove all religious references from the book."

Which is precisely what happened also in the game, concerning the muslim religion. There are several instances during the actual game where dialogue is cut, noticeably and from what I've seen in the Official Guide, at least one side mission was also removed, due to this. For some reason, they kept references to Christianity being possibly a Lie.

Basically, words such as "Hashashin" or "Mohammed" were cut at the last minute, so "Ubisoft" could most likely avoid some considerable controversy.

In the end, we lost and they did too, since they failed to respect the artistic freedom of their workers. Outside of it, we also die a bit, since freedom of speech, as a concept, is nothing more than words. Pitty really... :(((

grandmother said...

First, "Uncle Karl" said "Religion is the opiate of the people." He used religion(no S) as synecdoche for anything used to alleviate perceived pain, hence, opiate, not opium.
Second: Black Americans are not the only group to have protested their treatment by the dominant group. Steve is right; distaste is our "civilized" reaction, now that we are so enlightened that we don't immediately resort to clubs and rocks.

Anonymous said...

Is there any other way of getting a copy of the book. I've been waiting so long for the book, and, unfortunately , just found out that it was cancelled.

Unknown said...

AC Lover, I feel the exact same way you do about the assassin's creed novel. I actual e mailed Mr. Steven Barnes last year and asked if there was like a trascript of the book he could e mail me. He said that he would put it on on blog site one day. I would actually pay money to read the book. If anyone out there knows how I can get a copy of the book, please e mail me at

Unknown said...

is there a way we can still read a synopsis of what was going to be released??? This game was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Has there been any update towards a 'leaked' copy or any version available electronically to read at all? I've been hoping that maybe, just maybe, somehow the unobtainable book of treasure called Assassin's Creed had finally come to see daylight once again since it was locked away. The penmanship which was exerted on this novel should not be wasted on the dark shelves hidden away to be forgotten. Mr. Barnes I do hope that one day this book may be read by many.

Anonymous said...

I've read somewhere(Wiki or somewhere else) that they are planning to make it for the game directors and then post it on youtube or some other site that you can "choose to read if your personal intrest do not get in the way of your veiwing".

Aisha M. said...

I think this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. The games are just as much in this as the books, so why wasn't there a huge clamor about that? Highly suspect.

Anonymous said...

Ehh, It sucks it was canceled, But sheesh, as much as they bitched about nothing it seems like people are taking this whole book thing too seriously.

At any rate, They probably tried with the game, But im sure AC is a cashcow for Ubisoft, they'd probably rather take a bomb or two before they give AC up.

As for that 80% stuff, No.

80% of white don't "dislike" blacks, they dislike "niggers"

And EVERYBODY(with exceptions of fat white bitches, other gangstas, and some wiggers) dislikes the ghetto, ebonics slurring, aggresive, drug dealing stereotype that the "niggers" fall into.

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Because of innumerable cultural elements that a specific to a place or territory, a game that looks completely fine in one territory might be disregarded somewhere else. This is one of the reasons why localization - unlike just straight translation - is necessary for games.

That said, I've often been wondering: when does localization cross the line of censorship? And is that something one should accept?

In order to illustrate my thoughts, let's see how Yakuza 3 on PS3 was adapted for the US territory. A lot of gamers complained because some scenes and important elements of the games where changed when the game made it to US.

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