I’ve been working and testing the “Ancient Child” technique for about five years now, and what people asked for was a fuller explanation, as well as a “plug and play” approach to using it. I’ve done that, and it will be available very soon, on the new blog I’ve been creating with Wordpress guru Lorelle VanFossen.
Let’s discuss one application of the technique: emotional abuse. Especially if the abuse originated in childhood, this can be devastating. A parent who damages heart and body, or fails to provide protection for same, changes the profoundly important relationship with your core self, affecting:
- Ambition
- Self-love
- Ability to find honest healthy relationships
- Self-discipline (why bother if you aren’t worth it?)
- Co-dependency
- Creativity
- Artistic success (which is a balance between “creative child” and “marketing/agenting adult)
- Body composition issues (obesity and anorexia)
- Self-damaging (cutting, etc.)
- Drug and alcohol abuse
- Sexual issues
And much much more. The “Ancient Child” technique can have a powerful effect here, because the “child” image you create is, specifically, a representation of the child you were BEFORE the abuse began. (Note: if you have serious abuse issues, please seek therapeutic assistance. Your therapist should be aware of what you intend to do here)
What you have to do is:
- Enter a state of deep relaxation. Meditation or self-hypnosis.
- Connect with your own heartbeat and “source of love.”
- Visualize the child self.
- Connect with the child self: visualize holding, hugging, playing with.
- Remember the first time you held your own child, or held a baby sister, brother, or cousin. Find the “protective” door in your mind, even if it was only for a puppy or kitten. It’s there. You have the wiring. Or: remember/imagine being held and nurtured in infancy. EVERYONE was, whether you can remember it or not. Human beings who are not nurtured in infancy DO NOT SURVIVE. You may have blanked it out...but it happened. Find it. Meditate and search within yourself until you can find this strand of love, unbroken through the generations, back to the beginning of our species.
- Commit to being your own mother/father. To DIE before you let anyone else hurt that child again. To protecting her dreams and hopes. To spending every day loving and nurturing.
- Tell her/him. Say the words. Speak them aloud: “You are the most precious thing in all the world. Daddy is here, and I will never leave you alone again.”
- Listen to what that “child” self has to say in return. See if there is a conversation to be conducted.
- After you have emerged from your relaxed state, use your non-dominant hand (your left, if you are right-handed) to write a letter FROM your “child” to your current, adult self. Read it aloud.
This process can be of stupendous benefit. Please, please--even if you are “healthy” you will find it useful to connect to your creativity and aliveness. But if, like most of us, you’ve been banged up by life or have issues with parents, it is close to miraculous.
The process was given to me by a succession of phenomenally wise men and women. And now...it is yours.
Very nice post. Thanks for sharing with us.
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人對妳也是有好感。術語篇各行各業都有其專業術語(行話),以下為酒店常用術語,在酒店工作節奏快,所以表達必須精準與快速,並非刻意讓業外聽不懂。在酒店上班的角色眾多,各自崗位上負責不同業務,所以衍生的術語,有時也會令人莞爾一笑。姐妹們在酒店打工,多少了解其他人員酒店pt的術語,也是對自己多一層保護!△紅字:生理期。△上【一口杯】。B.熱毛巾(當服務生送熱毛巾給客人使用後,摺整齊後放在旁。尤其幫喝多的客人,熱敷脖子會幫助醒酒)。C.水果盤(把面積較大的水果細分小塊,方便客人食用)。D.煙灰缸(煙灰缸內別超過2根煙) 。E.遙控器(點歌與服務鈴。如遇到酒醉客人時,可按服務鈴請外場行政解圍)2.注意事項:A.當客人要點歌時,要主動起身幫客人拿麥克風與歌本(或遙控器)。B.千萬別讓客人自己倒酒(或茶水),必要時主動按服務鈴請服務生入內協助。C.若客人有拿煙的動作,記得酒店規定協助點煙。D.保持桌面清潔(如有水漬要立即擦拭)3.桌面服務的操作心法:A.讓客人感到妳貼心和細心。B.藉此增加和客人良好的互動。「閃酒」篇酒店上班前,妳絕對不想錯過的 [閃酒寶典秘笈8法]大公開!!【2020年最新版】酒店工作/酒店打工的必備護身符《閃酒篇》為何在酒店要學會閃酒?酒的種類眾多,客人喝的酒不止一種,也許第一桌喝啤酒,下一桌客人點洋酒,就算酒量再好的人,這樣混酒喝也容易醉,因此閃酒的技巧非常重要!如何不讓客人發現的情況下少喝酒,這些都是酒店工作的基本功!酒量不好不用怕,懂得閃酒才是王道!基本上跟客人撒嬌才是大絕招,要求行政排換姐妹也酒店類型是一種方法,但不是每次都有效!尤其遇到拼酒桌,現場又缺其他公關排換,不跟對方喝嘛,對方不爽!喝多了,怕自己喝醉失態被扣錢或無法上檯。兩難之間不好拿捏,因此要藉由閃酒來克服!如何善用各種閃酒招式,既不掃興也不怕客訴呢?! 不要逞英雄真的去拼酒,就算證明自己能喝又如何?酒店可沒有拼酒獎金,酒喝再多也沒錢拿啊!醉了妳還是最丟臉的那一位,而且需要旁人照顧,所以沒必要喝多了傷身又擾人,把時間留給後面幾桌多賺點錢才實在!「熟練這幾招心法之後,妳就是閃酒達人!酒店上班不需要酒量好,而是懂的閃酒、懂的明哲保身。酒店兼差前,快學幾招保證平安下檯!」1.【魚目混珠法】:透過顏色相近來掩護,啤酒加酒店工作心得蕃茄汁(可說不喜歡啤酒的苦味)、洋酒加西瓜片、加茶水或話梅、高梁酒加話梅與開水。且店家都有提供深色水杯,把茶水杯與酒杯互換,或預留茶水於酒杯裡,來稀釋酒精濃度。2.【吐酒法】:趁客人不注意時,吐在毛巾、深色茶杯、垃圾桶、廁所等。3.【拖延時間法】:可玩團體互動遊戲(如骰子比點數),大家都有輸的機率,輪流喝、分擔喝,喝的量相對減少,拖延時間也較長可幫助退酒。而和客人同組時,客人也會幫忙擋酒。4.【撒嬌耍賴法】:用撒嬌或耍賴的方式拒絕任何喝酒,一切以柔剋剛!5.【藉口理由法】:前一桌喝多、被灌酒、不想混酒、酒醉會扣錢、假裝喝醉、感冒還沒好、生理期、胃痛、下班後有要事(如看醫生或開車)等,替自
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