We’re drilling down into the “Diamond Hour” Concept, because almost
everyone can find a single hour a day to claim as your own. In
general, a writer might spend twenty minutes a day on each of three
different things:
1) Twenty minutes meditation
2) Twenty minutes exercise/incantation
Twenty minutes focused writing, FLOW STATE FIRST DRAFT. On alternate
days, polish and edit. (Or something in alignment with deepest personal
values and goals)
Here’s another:
1) Fifteen minutes meditation
2) Fifteen minutes planning
3) Fifteen minutes exercise/incantation
4) Fifteen minutes FLOW STATE writing (or something in alignment with deepest personal values and goals)
Here’s another:
1) Ten minutes meditation.
2) Ten minutes planning
3) Ten minutes exercise/incantation
4) Thirty minutes FLOW STATE writing (or something in alignment with deepest personal values and goals.)
do more than four basic things in your Diamond Hour, and don’t let any
of the pieces get smaller than 10 minutes. But you can mix and match a
bit to find the best pattern that works for you.
In combination with
the Five Minute Miracle (Five sixty-second “breathing breaks”
distributed through the day) you are kicking yourself into ultra-high
gear. You are focusing your mind, raising your energy, moving toward
your destiny, protecting your health, engaging your fitness, mastering
stress, aligning with your “inner child”, creating a Daily Ritual of
power, and far more.
EVEN IF YOU ARE TOTALLY BUSY THE REST OF THE DAY, you have moved toward your deepest goals.
And even more importantly, you are answering the two most important questions in life: Who Am I? And “What is true?”
are you? A moving, living, evolving being. One in alignment with your
values. What is true? That the world can be navigated with joy and
power, that every day has meaning and significance. That you have FAR
more control over your life, destiny and emotions than 99.9% of the
people around you believe.
Remember the idea that information
is not power? Only information that causes or changes ACTION is power.
If your emotions truly change, your actions will change. If you see
the world more clearly or accurately, your actions will change. IF YOUR
On this level, behavior is truth.
the worst day of your life, you can “fall back” to the Five Minute
Miracle. But NO ONE has fewer than five minutes of guided breathing
time in a day. You are simply lying to yourself. And if you do
that…you have just learned a bit about how you lie, how you distort your
reality map.
Imagine you are on a road trip between birth and death. Is it valuable to know that your map is distorted? You think?
First Principle: “Do Not Think Dishonestly.” Until you stop lying
about the fact that, barring serious illness, your adult body, adult
relationships and adult careers are created by our consistent behaviors,
and our behaviors are created by our beliefs, perceptions, value
hierarchies and emotions. ADULTS TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Children blame
the world, their parents, their pasts. Either take responsibility, or
the metaphorical “children” of your dreams and goals will simply wither
and die.
“If it’s to be, it’s up to me” has to become your mantra, if
there is any part of you that is still blaming the world. The world
is just what it is. It is up to YOU to learn to read the map of that
world, to align your values with your goals enough that just practicing
or working toward them brings you satisfaction.
Why? Because no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. Live so that even if you die tomorrow, today was a triumph.
you expressed your dreams. TODAY you learned more about your mind,
body, and emotions. TODAY you told your loved ones that you adore
them. TODAY you celebrated your life. TODAY. TODAY. TODAY.
This day. This hour. This five minutes. This sixty seconds. This breath. This moment. The macro in the micro.
moments make a perfect minute. Perfect minutes make a perfect hour.
Perfect hours make a perfect day. Perfect days make a life of mastery.
will have ups and downs. Days when your head is full of fog, or your
body is full of fire. Days of depression and those of exaltation. Days
when your tasks seem like stones, and others when your goals are like
But up or down, we must move forward, even if only a
single step. Every person you’ve ever admired has their “down” days,
their challenges, their flaws and heartbreaks. EVERY ONE OF THEM.
is one of the most important things you learn if you study success.
They ALL had their “dark nights of the soul” and one of the worst myths
is that somehow they didn’t know about failure. No, they know more
about failure than the people we call “failures.” Why? Because they
got up and kept going. Which means that
1) they understand failure from both sides and
2) they fail more often.
Your ritual of daily action, even a piece as small as five minutes, will change your life. Begin today.
Continue tomorrow. Build the live of your dreams. Ask “who am I” and “what is true” with every act, every breath.
One step at a time, walk the Thousand Mile Road.
Pierce the illusion. Embrace your destiny. Live this one most precious life you have to live.
close with the Sanskrit expression that means “the divinity within me
salutes and acknowledges the divinity within you,” the same idea as the
West African term “Num” which means that there is one spirit peering out
through many eyes.
Steven Barnes
Friday, May 31, 2013
This Day, This Precious Moment
Posted by
Steven Barnes
5:16 AM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Your body is just the messenger
I just got this note from one of my favorite people, “Granola Rolla”, who has struggled with body image issues for years:
a silly sort of epiphany, in that it's one of those `duh’ obvious
things I've always known, but it's exciting because I'm starting to
really get it. I just want to share something from a conversation with a
friend today- `I think hating my body is like shooting the messenger.
It's just a gauge for how well I take care of myself. No matter how
noble or how foolish my reasons are for the degree of self-care, my body
is just going to show the facts. I like to blame this body for not
being desirable, even as I run away from those who clearly desire me and
I'm kinda calling shenanigans on the whole thing.’
She gets
it. Our bodies are the sum total of the actions we have taken, which
are influenced by our knowledge (efficiency and effectiveness) and our
emotions (the Hawaiian Huna consider our bodies to be like “black bags”
where we store our unprocessed negative feelings until we’re ready to
deal with them.) Trying to pretend that our exteriors have nothing to
do with our interiors is a dangerous self-deception—and opens the door
to accepting OTHER people’s negative, abusive behavior, because, after
all, “what we do isn’t who we are.” Right. Well, no it isn’t, but
it’s a hell of a lot closer to who we are than our self-image, or the
stories we try to sell others.
And what else reveals our
actions and attitudes? Try our finances. Try our relationship
histories. A single problem is just a learning experience. But one
that recurs three times suggests that we have not learned something
critical. Learn the lesson, and you don’t have to repeat the mistake.
There are good men, good women, opportunities out there, and healthy
bodies lurking within the external shell, waiting to emerge when we have
the knowledge, discipline, and emotional clarity.
The trick is
to love yourself, while being as honest as a surgeon evaluating a tumor
when we examine our actions, emotions, beliefs, values, and
self-image. You are 100% deserving of love. You are also 100%
deserving of an accurate map of reality. And a map is useless unless
1) you know where you’re going, and
2) you know where you are.
Musashi’s first principle is “Do not think dishonestly.” Tell the truth. Get an accurate map.
The second is: “The way is in training.” Your goals require constant action.
third is “Know the ways of every art.” Study the actions and attitudes
of the masters. Those who have succeeded at any discipline you
desire. Find the critical path, the things in common between all of
them. Do this with all your heart while maintaining sensory acuity to
your results, and continuing to model and study.
Nothing can
guarantee success. But failing to adapt the proper behaviors will
guarantee failure. If you’re running east, no matter how far and how
fast you run, you’ll never see a sunset.
Posted by
Steven Barnes
5:22 AM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Wisdom From Mick Jagger...
"You can't always get what you want" sang the Stones. But you CAN get what you need. Thanks, Mick. This was never more true than on the DANGER WORD shoot...
It was 12:30 am Sunday night, and the crew was exhausted. The cast
was exhausted. But the great Frankie Faison was driving us on with
energy and clarity. “Motor through it!” he insisted, and we did. What a
guy! But we had another major sequence to film after this, and I saw
that we were in trouble. By the time we got through set-up, and
changing location, and lighting (we had to fake daylight!), and
everything else…multiple takes of a CRITICAL emotional sequence, without
which DANGER WORD simply wouldn’t work…the risk of injury or hell,
MUTINY was very real. And Tananarive and I went into a huddle. This
is where it is useful to be a writer/producer. We understood the moral
and emotional core of our film. We knew that the purpose of a story is
not to supply information, but to convey an emotional charge.
Information that does not change emotion (and therefore, influence
action) is useless. Pointless. Trivial (why do you think they call it
“Trivial Pursuit”?)
Tananarive was exhausted, nodding off
between takes. But when she sat up and focused, a possibility occurred
to her: with some re-jiggering, we could play the entire outdoor scene
indoors. Right here on the set. I was shocked, but then thought about
it (and yes, I’m being artfully vague here). I thought it through.
Did it make story sense? Would viewers “miss” the missing set-up?
Would they say: "gee, I wonder why they didn't do X?" No.
Did it make “reality” sense? A modification was needed to the actual
way the zombie disease attacked the system. Did it make sense?
Immediately, I saw that it damned well could. In fact, it made perfect
sense, even though we’d never stated it in the books.
3) Did it make logistical sense? Oh, yes indeedy. So much so I was gobsmacked.
Was there a way that it made the sequence BETTER? Yes. And this is
critical. Nothing ever comes out the same. In general, it’s either
could: simplicity, directness, speed.
5) Did it make emotional
sense? Yes. It allowed us to play out a major emotional change
without a shift in location. It allowed the actors to “flow” from one
powerful moment to another, without an hour-long break during which
their exhaustion would sap their energy. That energy would transmit to
the audience (“sales is a transfer of enthusiasm from one person to
another”—and trust me, children…storytelling is sales, and sales is
I tested it. Looked at it from every
direction, and oh my God, it made perfect sense. I kissed T, and went
to our director. She was in the middle of putting out a half-dozen
fires at once as the makeup people made magic. People were pulling at
her, but I pulled rank on them. “Luchina,” I said, “give me sixty
seconds, and I’ll make you very happy.” She trusted me. I told her
our idea. It took a moment to sink in, and her eyes lit up.
her permission, I went to our little star, Saoirse (SEER-SHAH) Scott,
and told her. The little trooper had been game for everything, hadn’t
ever complained about anything, no matter what we asked her to do. But
when I explained my plan, and she realized that instead of another two
hours of filming WE WERE ABOUT TO FINISH she hugged me and said, with
simple sincerity: “I love you.”
We powered through that last
sequence, the entire crew energized. Emotions were at a peak. Tears
flowed. Then Saoirse’s mom said “she wants to hear the words.”
Luchina paused and said: “It’s a wrap!” and the crew applauded.
my God. We were done! And there was a lesson there, an important
one. You MUST be able to tell the difference between what you WANT and
what you NEED. We WANTED the scene the way we wrote it, but it was
becoming logistically nightmarish. What Tananarive saw was that the
emotional core, represented in a few critical lines of dialogue, and the
emotional peak we’d been working toward for two days, could be
maintained even though the way it “looked” was different.
LOOK. Go deeper into the actual meat of it. What is it you really
need? What is the emotional hunger you are feeding. Go far enough,
into its emotional roots, and you’ll find that the external aspects are
often just “presentation,” the box it comes in. I love fancy boxes.
But if you are starving, you don’t care what color the plate is. If
you’re putting out a fire, you don’t give a #$%% about the wrapping the
extinguisher comes in. Find the “fire” you are actually putting out,
the “nutrients” you are actually seeking to ingest. While satisfying
every basic NEED…begin to sacrifice your WANTS. Feed your emotional
“children” but don’t let them dominate you into putting smiley-faces
onto every damned pancake.
We won. Because we weren’t afraid
to lose what was non-essential. I may be happier with that single
insight of T’s than any other she ever made, other than deciding to
marry me.
Jeeze, I love that girl. Well done, baby.
Posted by
Steven Barnes
6:22 AM
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Completing the "Writing Machine" parts 8-10
Once upon a time, I created a work-flow model based on conversations
with, and study of, hundreds of writers. A “critical path” of what
seemed to be the most important characteristics. Most excellent
writers have these skills in some form or other, often at the level of
“unconscious competence” but it is possible to extract and refine them
In communicating them to students, I gave this
process the name “The Machine” or sometimes “The Garden”, depending on
the preference of the student. Over the last weeks I’ve parceled them
out, but as I’m taking off for Keycon SF convention today, and will be
in crash mode for our movie next week, I wanted to encapsulate the first
seven steps, and then complete the entire structure.
are undoubtedly equally good, or better, ways to look at this, and I
invite established writers to make their own suggestions, and all
writers to modify to their own needs.
1) Create an output goal (a story a week, or a story every other week. Or a
thousand words)
2) Read 10 X what you write. Read one level “up” from your writing
3) Write stories that reflect the values, beliefs, and concerns of your own life, in indirect form.
4) Keep your stories circulating in the mail until they sell
5) Don’t try a novel until you’ve sold ten short stories.
6) Model the healthy attitudes, actions and beliefs of the writers you admire.
7) Once you’ve finished your first draft, ask “what is the meaning of my story” and
from the beginning to sharpen this. There are two things to write
about: what are human beings, and what is the world they see? “Who am
I” and “what is true?”
8) Follow structure (plotting and
consciously planning) until you have mastered it (selling at least 10
short stories), then try freestyle. If you have problems, revert to
structure until it is internalized.
own structure concentrates on two things: plot and character. I see
them as being two halves of the same coin. “Plot” is what a given
character does in a given situation. “Character” is best revealed 1)
by action and 2) by the character’s internal monologues and self-image,
as well as the “stories” they try to sell about who they are. The GAP
between observed behavior (concentrate on their career, their physical
fitness and their relationship history) and this “story” reveals an
entirely new and fascinating level to their personality. To deepen your
understanding of this, one painful thing is necessary: applying the
exact same standard RUTHLESSLY to yourself. By the way—you won’t be
able to do this if you do not love yourself deeply. In a way, it is
like performing exploratory surgery on your own child. Yuck. But
critical if you wish to move forward in life.
9) Separate the
“Flow” state from the “editing” state. Learn to enter “flow” state at
will. This means constantly refining “left” and “right” brain modes of
operation (not neurophysiologically elegant models, but hopefully the
distinctions communicate.) I would suggest meditation and the study
of the most logical and intelligent human beings you can groove with.
Daily. Logic and Intuition, shaking hands across the Corpus
10) Develop a circle of writers and readers to evaluate your work. Choose
smartest, toughest critics you can find, and learn to take the
discomfort. There are, of course, examples of writers who work in
solitude, but even these have an “internal community” of role models and
great artists in their minds, coaxing them toward greater skill,
production, and honesty. The most fortunate people have both.
your “editing/reading” brain has far more experience AND ALWAYS WILL
than your “flow/writing” brain. It will ALWAYS be better at criticizing
what you’ve created than creating new text. The only exceptions are
those unfortunate individuals who really haven’t read very much, but
believe they have a calling to write. Every writing class or workshop
instructor encounters these unfortunates with stories to tell but no
skill with which to relate them…sometimes with few foundational skills
such as spelling and grammar! But most of us have read hundreds of
books for every book we write.
Don’t you get the
joke? You must read to improve, but that means your “editor” will
always be vastly more experienced than your “creator”, leading to
insecurity, lack of confidence, and even disgust at the huge “gap”
between your first drafts and the finished work of the masters.
Machine” is designed to strengthen, polish and bring to conscious
awareness every basic link in the chain that leads from initial idea to
published work: generating ideas, selecting ideas, researching, rough
draft, polished draft, rewrite and integrating feedback, submission and
repetition of the process throughout a career of ups and downs.
that disrupts this process is “writer’s block.” Not
reading/researching, not writing, not finishing, not polishing, not
submitting, not beginning your next project and continuing the cycle.
enjoying the process, even if it is the savage satisfaction of facing
the Gorgon of our own doubt day after day. Caring enough about
criticism to learn anything useful, to feel the pain without it
decisively impacting our capacity for joy in process.
No one
can promise you a financially successful career. But you CAN guarantee
yourself a lifelong immersion in the fantastic world of creation. You
CAN get better and better from year to year, and have more pleasure and
satisfaction than most people believe is possible or reasonable.
CAN fulfill a childhood dream of self-expression and communication.
All these things are available to you, if you embrace the Machine…or
cultivate your Garden.
Writer’s choice. As always, the choice of metaphor is up to you.
Write with Passion!
If you have enjoyed these notes, please support our movie, DANGER WORD,
at www.dangerwordfilm.com. All donations, however small, are
appreciated. And for the next week, a portion of any purchases of
products at www.diamondhour.com will go directly toward the creation of our first short film. Thank you!
Posted by
Steven Barnes
4:54 AM
I'm off to be the wizard!
Tomorrow, we take off for Albany to create our first short film.
The goal is to use DANGER WORD to leverage ourselves into a full
feature (on the theory that you can move up one order of magnitude per
project, max) that first feature being a feature-length version of
this story, and/or a feature-length version of T’s book “My Soul To
Keep.” We hold the rights. We have the experience, and the circle of
allies. We have powerful motivations that go WAY beyond our personal
careers—so it has been gratifyingly possible to enroll others in this
Regardless of what happens next, I’d like to thank
everyone who has supported us, in every way that they have. I don’t
really think there are “pivotal moments” in life so much as “clusters”
of pivotal moments, actions, and decisions that create change. But
what winners do it assume they have some agency in their fates,
sufficient to make it worth while to push the edges, to get up early and
stay up late. To totally invest themselves emotionally and move beyond
their comfort zones. Using the model of the Hero’s Journey, I wanted
to once again diagram the process of moving from one level to another
in life, whether that be a model of integration, success, or satisfaction.
1) Confronted with challenge. You have to recognize a problem or opportunity.
Reject the challenge. If the challenge is large enough to change your
life, YOU WILL FEEL FEAR. It is how we’re wired up. People without
enthusiasm are people who have had the hope crushed out of them. They
have been slapped down so many times that it is safer to be blase. Or
they have experienced the pain of accomplishment, and found that success
equaled pain: the pain of losing friends, of attracting predators, of
losing a sense of self.
3) Accept the challenge. You must see a way through the minefield. Deal with the emotions. DECIDE. Or nothing happens.
Road of Trials. You have to realistically assess where you are
currently, and develop a crystal-clear vision of where you intend to
go. Subtract where you are from where you need to be, and divide the
gap into bite-size pieces you can address at the rate of about 1% per
week for a 2-year goal. To do this, you may have to steal a beat from
step #5…
5) Allies and Powers.
a) Find a peer
group who will support your vision, if you don't they will drag you
down. Friends with less ambition or ability are fine, AS LONG AS THEY
this: people who bring over cake when you try to diet. "Pity parties"
about how all men are X or all women are Y or this or that group will
stop you, or your history confines you, or...or...
and what
they're really doing is talking to themselves. Because if YOU succeed,
it means they have to look at their own excuses, and feel the pain of
not changing their own lives.
b) role models who have
already accomplished your goal. Find three. Learn what they did in
common to accomplish their dreams. See what they do that you don’t do,
AND START DOING IT. Take action. Study their belief systems, mental
syntax, and use of physiology. What they do, what they feel, what they
think. And start programming yourself with these things. Seek out the
technologies of implanting beliefs, raising energy, clarifying goals,
gathering a mastermind…focus, flow, enthusiasm, sales…whatever. And
especially learn to deal with fear and failure, because you WILL…
Confront Evil—and fail. This could be an internal or external
opponent. “The voices in your head.” The fact that you are not
internally aligned to succeed. Don’t have permission to “break
through.” And in any arena where you have “beat your head against the
wall” I can pretty much promise you that you’re dealing with mixed
internal messages. Negative beliefs about money, or sales. Negative
beliefs about relationships (or unrealistic expectations. Just
recently I met a wealthy, famous gentleman who has never been married.
His beliefs about relationships: a woman would have to be his perfect
partner, share all his values, be able to read his mind and feel what he
feels and think what he thinks about any entertainment or activity.
With a standard like that, he will go through life alone!), conflicting
values about body image (boy is there a lot of that right now. A major
movement to accept your body “where it is.” That’s fine…as long as you
can be satisfied and simultaneously maintain massive motivation to
change. Difficult balancing act.)
7) The Dark Night of the
Soul. You WILL crash and burn on any project that could change your
life. There WILL be a point where it seems all is lost. That’s just
the way it is. But if you know AHEAD of time, before you ever begin,
that you will fall on your face at some point, why do we forget the
lesson? Why don’t we remember that, and lay the plans in advance? Get
your allies together (or be your own ally. One of my favorite tricks is
to wait until a student is “up” and have them write a letter to their
future self, to be opened only when you are “down.” Works like a
8) Leap of Faith. This is ALWAYS faith in one of
three things: yourself, your companions, or a Higher Power. Optimally,
all three. This is what gets you through when you’ve come to the end
of yourself.
9) Confront Evil—and succeed. IF you have taken
the previous steps: clarified your goal, studied the behaviors of those
who have succeeded, learned as much as they can teach, taken massive and
constant action, maintained a positive attitude and kept the faith,
THEN you have optimized your chances of success. If you have chosen
your goal properly, then external success will be secondary to the
person you are becoming along the way. You become internally focussed,
and at some point, you are simply “becoming” who you are committed to
being. Do this by finding the way that you goal is answering the twin
questions: “who am I?” and “what is true?” You have reached this
point when you are simply doing what you do…and the external results are
happening “like magic.” Even for these evolved beings, it is sometimes
necessary to drop back and punt. To go back to basics, and re-build a
faulty bridge to your future.
10) The Student Becomes the
Teacher. When you have learned a way to do something, share it with
others. Help others. The best way to know that you know something is
being able to transmit it to others. Note that this is not the “those
who cannot do, teach” attitude. It is “those who can do, and teach
others to do, are in harmony with the universe.” They are the ones
responsible for every good thing we have as human beings. As
individuals, we’re not that much smarter than chimps. It is in passing
information from one generation to the next that we SHINE. We are the
only animals with more information in our brains than in our genes.
This sacred progression is a deep current of what we are as a species.
When you swim WITH the current, you’ve found another level of
integration. You have also taken a step toward Awakened Adulthood.
you have it, again. I’ve said these things before, and will again. But
tomorrow I take another step toward my future. What will happen? I
don’t know. I simultaneously care passionately and don’t care. Because
the ride itself is so much fun. Because I’m becoming a better version
of who I am. Because whatever I learn, I will turn around and teach
That’s called being the Hero in the adventure of my lifetime.
Posted by
Steven Barnes
4:54 AM
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
The Perfect "Diamond Hour" 8-10
Because of Saturday’s Diamond Hour show, I was forced to sit down and
work out the rest of the “Perfect Diamond Hour” sequence, and I want to
put this out as fast as possible, so BOOM, here it goes today!
cannot control external events. What we CAN control is what they mean
to us. And if you have been hurt in the past by aiming at a goal and
failing, it is natural that you will associate pain with focus, hope and
dreams. This is just your nervous system trying to protect you, and
one of the “dragons at the gate” of your performance. Totally natural,
and totally healthy.
That dragon is not your enemy. It is
actually a big friendly puppy which, once tamed, becomes not a monster
or enemy, but one of your greatest ally. The way we’re organizing the
“perfect Diamond Hour” is designed to help you tame your fear, doubt,
and pain. Let’s take a look at the process so far (and btw—you are
watching me formalize this in real time. There will be modifications
now and later, but the basic framework is solid):
1) 5MM. Take a break every three hours and breathe (later, you will briefly visualize, doing a mini version of this process.
2) Re-write goals.
3) Heartbeat meditation. Self-love, centering, relaxation, focus…this and more, in a streamlined package.
Ancient Child. Visualizing your innocent, enthusiastic, loving
self. Most of us can do more for our children than we can for
ourselves. This allows you to harness this tendency. If you didn’t get
the love you needed from your parents…give it to yourself.
Morning ritual. Begin to create a morning ritual of thought, motion,
and emotion. This begins the alignment of body mind and spirit, which
is the highest level of efficiency you are capable of. Sun salutations,
Five Tibetans, joint rotations…start MOVING!
6) Raise
energy. Move with more power, jack your emotions higher. Associate
these powerful positive emotions with your goals and daily actions. If
you have to do it—find a way to ENJOY doing it. As Merry Poppins
said: “in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. Find
the fun and POOF! The job’s a game!” Smart lady.
for past and current blessings. Find gratitude for what you have
already accomplished in your life. If you think you haven’t
accomplished anything, you are either lying to yourself, or you have
standards that are so unreasonably high they cause you pain. Start
with the things for which you would praise your own child: learning to
walk, and talk, and read. Having a strong healthy body, heart, and/or
mind. Friendships. Family. FIND THINGS TO BE GRATEFUL FOR. If you
can read these words, you should be grateful. If you lost your sight or
reason, you would mourn them. If your child lost those things, you
would be shattered. BE GRATEFUL for another day of life!
8) Gratitude for future blessings (goals). This is critical. Take the SAME
emotional energy you have raised about the things you have now…and begin to give thanks for the
goals you have in the future, as if you have already accomplished them. Say it out loud. If you
can’t say it, you can’t have it! “I’m SO grateful for the new love in my life! I’m SO grateful I
take the time to meditate every day! I’m SO grateful for my five new customers! I’m SO
grateful I look great in my size X pants! I’m SO grateful my children graduated college!”
Use total physiology, emphasis, enthusiasm, body language. The message of “The Science of
Getting Rich” is that gratitude for what we have now is the foundation for our future accomplishment.
Incantation (About three minutes) chanting, aloud, with enthusiasm,
the belief that you already possess the resources and power necessary
to create your dreams.
Success expert Tony Robbins suggests a
statement like “All I need is within me now. All the STRENGTH I need is
within me now. All the CONFIDENCE I need is within me now. All the
LOVE I need is within me now…”
EXERCISING. Generate the emotions. FEEL it. If you don’t believe it,
move your body as if you do. ACT the part. Put on the facial
expression of confidence, throw your shoulders back. Smile. Move with
authority, power, unstoppable energy. SEE your goals “As if now.”
we’re back to the 30-day challenge. Do this, every day for 30 days. I
promise that at times you will feel silly. You will have huge
resistance on some days. JOURNAL THE EMOTIONS that come up. But I
also promise that you will increase your output, and begin to see truly
strange “coincidence” and instances of “synchronicity” occurring in your
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the
chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of
initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of
which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one
definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of
things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A
whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor
all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance
which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you
can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic
in it. Begin it now.” Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
10) TAKE AN ACTION. You’ve clarified goals, raised energy, visualized your internal world and
the external steps you will take today and this week to create your future. NOW…take an action!
Exercise, write 1000 words of your novel, write an email you’ve put off. DO SOMETHING.
ON A DECISION. Never leave the site of a decision without taking an
action, however small, moving you in that direction. Mind: form a
goal. Emotions: generate the positive feelings you WANT to have…and
experience them NOW. Body: take an action. DO something. Make a
phone call. Check your goal list. Read an article. Perform a sun
salutation. Push away from the place.
the end of his life, actor Michael Landon said that it is a tragedy
that we don’t understand from birth that we are going to die. That that
knowledge would lend both urgency and sweetness to our existence.
“Whatever you want to do, do it now.” He said. “There are only so many
If you will follow this advice for 30 days, you’ll
understand something I’ve been trying to say all along. You will have
taken responsibility for your existence, and will be acting with greatly
enhanced clarity. These actions in the material world are the path to
being what I refer to as an “awakened adult.” It is the doorway to an
extraordinary life. I wish nothing less for each and every one of you.
Posted by
Steven Barnes
4:02 AM
Sunday, May 12, 2013
One of the reasons Motherhood seems to inspire greatness is that every good mother is committed to something other than herself. Something that goes beyond the edge of her own life. Something she loves enough to die for. You can touch this space by the simple joy of giving to others, of finding something to believe in that is larger than you, deeper than you, that will outlive you. By knowing what you would die for, and start living for it. Let the love you feel for your mother inspire you to be not just a great parent...but a great spirit.
Posted by
Steven Barnes
5:17 AM
Friday, May 10, 2013
Diamond Hour Tomorrow!
Diamond Hour May show. - Saturday, May 11, 2013 1:00 PM Pacific Daylight Savings time (4:00 PM Eastern)
Connect via phone or VoIP (Skype, etc.)
(724) 444-7444
Posted by
Steven Barnes
9:00 AM
Don't be like Captain KIrk! Diamond Hour #7: Have Gratitude
This is Gratitude both past and present. During your Diamond Hour,
spend 3-5 minutes generating the most positive emotions you can.
Imagine all of the things in your life for
which you ALREADY feel gratitude: life, love, health, family, a roof over your head, etc. As you do, chant out loud something like “I’m SO grateful for my loving children! I’m SO grateful for
a strong, healthy body! I’m SO grateful for a healthy mind and happy heart!” and so on.
The core message of “As A Man Thinketh” and countless other self-help books is that our minds
and emotions create our worlds.
very favorite goal-setting technique, the “Time Line” process created
by Tad James, suggests that you need to visualize (or “mentalize”) your
goal, its position on your time line (visualized as a string of actions
and incidents stretching off into your future), the intermediate actions
necessary to support that goal. Then you have to check the degree to
which your internal ecology supports your goal: your beliefs, value
hierarchy, and positive and negative emotional anchors or associations.
the “carrier tone” of the entire thing is emotion. Enthusiasm. In
the terms of Aikido master Koichi Tohei, does your “Ki” extend out into
the world, or does the world’s negative energy “back up” into you?
Imagine it like a stream running into a poisoned pond. So long as the
water flows outwards, the poisoned water doesn’t enter the stream.
is the power of enthusiasm. And it is impossible to feel enthusiastic
and positive if all you see in your life right now is the negative.
upon, our beliefs and perceptual filters control our emotions…big time.
For 27 years, Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, convicted of sabotage
against the system of apartheid.
But instead of becoming embittered,
he used that time to benefit his people, clarify his values, and deepen
his spiritual nature.
He focused on what could be done.
Because this equation is multiplicative rather than additive, a zero in
any category will KILL your dreams. So no matter how hard it may be, it
is critical that every day you find something to be grateful for, right
here, rght now.
“No, dammit!” I can hear some of you howl.
“I don’t have anything to be grateful for! I refuse to feel positive
about my life!” Like Captain Kirk in The Final Fronteir: “I don't
want my pain taken away! I need my pain!”
Says a fictional character.
this for anything other than childish ego would be a huge mistake. If
you learn the lesson, you don’t need the pain. Only if you insist on
remaining ignorant do you need to hold onto the negative emotions. Dig
deep. Learn the lesson. Then let the negative emotions go, trusting
that you won’t make the same mistakes again.
You can afford to be
grateful. Afford to embrace the small miracles of life, and find joy
in any circumstance, no matter how difficult. In fact, the hard fact is
that the only way to maximize your chances of moving to a BETTER
circumstance is by finding joy right where you are. If this seems a
contradiction, you have my sympathy. I can only say that you need to
wrestle with this one until you “get it.”
Be grateful right now. And then…create an even better future.
Posted by
Steven Barnes
8:59 AM
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
The writing "Machine" part 7: Re-write, reinforcing values and themes
Once you’ve finished your first draft, ask “what is the meaning of my
story” and re-write from the beginning to sharpen this. There are two
things to write about: what are human beings, and what is the world they
see? “Who am I” and “what is true?” These ideas link together
powerfully. Everything you have a character say and do is your comment
on what human beings are. Every plot twist is a statement about the
ethical structure of the universe: how the world responds to us, whether
it is benign, indifferent, or malevolent.
Here’s a note:
classical science fiction tends to be much more “what is true” than “who
am I?” It deals more with the physical structure of the universe,
what is true, how it fits together. Most literary fiction deals more
with the first question: “who am I” and the question of deep
psychological and philosophical structure. In reality, all fiction has
examples that move between these, but another thing to remember is that
they are inseparable, really.
Go deeply enough into either
question, and you emerge at the other position. So my suggestion is
that you need to have a philosophy of humanity. What are we? Why are
we? What motivates us, what is love and what is fear?
Go deep. Ultimately, the question is connected to your sense of self.
then…what is the world? How do you understand the flow of history?
The actions of human beings? Not “predict,” but in retrospect
understand, and perhaps learn enough to make more positive choices in
the future.
Meaning, values, beliefs…all of these things affect
our world view. And working through it in your own life will teach you
vast amounts about the world.
Then…develop a sense of the flow of
history, human and cosmic. How did we become what we are as a
species? It took me years of research to devise and refine the
theories of social and human evolution in my novels LION’S BLOOD and
GREAT SKY WOMAN. The concepts about race, gender, consciousness and
social structure are at the core drive the books and define the
characters, their worlds, their choices, thoughts and more. All in the
service of an emotional charge.
So…what is your story about? Can you define it clearly?
if you can, what is the opposite of that value? That position? Is
there a character or situation that expresses that opposite? Can you
set the two values in story opposition to each other? Sharpen them?
Force them to clash?
Now, I DON’T suggest that you do this in
your first draft. In the first draft, just write and have fun. But
during re-write, it is quite valuable to (as I believe Paddy Cheyefski
said) extract the meaning from your piece, write it on a 3 X 5 card, and
post that card above your computer. Then be certain that every scene in
some way explores your theme or counter theme. Do that, and you can
create a core of power and emotion that will carry your readers along
without them ever consciously realizing how and why they are responding
so intensely.
It’s almost cheating.
Write with passion!
Posted by
Steven Barnes
9:07 AM
Friday, May 03, 2013
Parenting Yourself
Two weeks ago, a young man named Terry H. was preparing to train
for his 4th Degree black belt. His test involved serious physical and
intellectual work, and part of the test was interviewing a martial
artist he admires, who has integrated his physical skills into other
levels (that's a great exercise!)
And although I did not know
this gentleman personally, he reached out to me to ask my help. I was
honored, and we had a wide-ranging hour-long phone interview during
which I answered questions about my training and life. During the
interview I poked a little to determine whether he was solidly set up
for what was going to be a grueling test. How did I know? Here was the
prep, according to Terry (I assume this was all to be done in the weeks
before the test):
“Thanks again for the interview. It was one of the coolest parts of my 4th Dan test.
pushups & crunches, 4000 basic kicks, 1000 advanced kicks, 1200
forms, 60 miles of roadwork....400 random acts of kindness (not so
random, really) one day mute, one day blind folded, one day in a
That was serious. I knew that it was designed
to push him beyond his ordinary concept of self, and that at some point
he would waver. So I gave him the ANCIENT CHILD meditation, teaching
him to see the light within his heart, to then concentrate that into a
child self, and connect it to his “Elder” self, the most generative
process imaginable. And indeed, he hit his wall. When he did:
“A week before, my inner child had an inner meltdown. I got him
talking to my future old man, and it was cool. "I just want to do good!"
the child said. “I’m very proud of you” the elder replied.
There are voices in our minds. If those voices are destructive to
you, it is crippling. To begin to align them opens the door to
coherence, to congruency. To align your emotions so that you are not
fighting yourself any longer.
This is a way of looking at the
meditations where you observe your inner chatter without fighting.
Where you throw an Ericksonian “Parts Party” to have your different
aspects cooperate with each other. With the imaginary “board meetings”
of role models discussed in “Think And Grow Rich.” With looking in the
mirror and saying: “I love you.” (And if you cannot do this without
flinching, you need this process!)
The “Ancient Child” is a
way to access your own power, taking off your brakes. To move through
life with the enthusiasm of a child and the wisdom of an elder. That
gives your adult self the clarity it needs to fulfill its daily tasks
with meaning: you know that every step you take is in alignment with
your deepest values, beliefs, needs, and emotions. This feeling, if you
haven’t experienced it, is just miraculous.
When Terry’s
“child” felt despair, felt unequal to the goals he had set for himself
(an inevitable part of the “Hero’s Journey” cycle) and cried “I just
want to be good!” the part of him on the other side of the issue, the
part who had already accomplished the goal reached back to take his
hand. In this case, all that need to be said was “I’m very proud of
Last night at Aikijutsu I watched a young father who
had taken his seven year old son for instruction. The son kept trying to
master a difficult technique, and failing. Again and again he looked
up at his Dad, searching his Dad’s face for understanding, approval,
encouragement. And the Dad smiled, and nodded, and gave him a “thumb’s
up.” And the kid dove back in and tried again, and again…until he got
Anyone who had a parent who supported your dreams knows
how important this is. Anyone who didn’t have this critical support
knows how much it hurts.
I’m telling you it is not too late. Never too late. You can give yourself permission to be good, be great, to thrive.
In fact…in reality…you’re the only one who can. Please get your FREE copy of the ANCIENT CHILD today!
Posted by
Steven Barnes
3:46 AM
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Diamond Hour #6: Raise your emotions
First, a recap:
1) Five Minute Miracle. Take five sixty-second “breathing breaks”, one every 2-3 hours.
2) Re-write your top 3-5 goals once every day. Be certain to have a tangible, photographable
goal in each of your top three arenas (body, finances, relationships). And Journal your emotions and
3) Begin to expand out the “5MM” breaks. For instance, spend extra time during session #1 by doing
it first thing in the morning on awakening, listen to your heartbeat.
4) Begin to implement the “Ancient Child” technique to contact your intuition and passion, clarify
your goals for the year and your actions for the day that relate to them.
5) Create a 15-minute (minimum) “morning ritual” of motion and emotion to center and begin to move
goals and intentions from concept to motion. This means things like
Joint Recovery, Five Tibetans, Sun Salutations…something basic and
powerful that requires no equipment.
Something you do every day to anchor yourself into your physical body, your vehicle for this world.
6) Raise emotions MORE. Yep, we talked about emotion in Step #5 but
we’re going deeper. We have focused our intentions, begun to move our
bodies, and now we’re going to begin the magical alchemy of combining
body, mind, and emotions so that everything we are is going in the same
Charles Darwin believed that emotions were
heuristics, simplified instructions for life that help us sort between
numerous choices swiftly. Without emotion, it is difficult to clarify
values, and without values, how do you know which of life’s countless
options to take?
Now, the evolutionary emotional “flash” is best
for short-term decisions (“should I walk down that ally? Ask that
person out, or accept an invitation? Watch that movie?”) but long-term
decisions require BOTH emotion and logic (buying a house, marrying a
partner, designing a career). People who are not in touch with their
emotions can have a difficult time making rapid decisions. People who
are not in touch with their logical centers can make disastrous
decisions about their bodies, their careers, and/or their relationships
if they don’t hook both together at the same time.
So learning to
deliberately raise and channel your emotions not only enables you to
overcome inertia, but also make short-term decisions. Your ultimate
destiny is shaped by your capacity to make daily decisions that lead to
massive action, those actions in alignment with your long-term goals.
The massive action allows you to “fail forward fast” and gain more data
about your environment. While other people are trying to make a
decision a week, you’re making ten decisions a day, and you’re going to
blow their results away, if you just pay attention to the results you
ANYTHING that interferes with the process of action,
interpreting results, and adjusting action must be eliminated. And
changing beliefs or re-aligning values requires…wait for it…emotion.
must learn to master your emotions. Part of this is learning to “ride”
them like a surfer. Another is learning how to “tack” into them like a
sailor. Part is learning to “direct” them by controlling your focus.
Part is learning to find the “center” of your existence so that the
emotions can rage and storm around you, while you remain calm. And part
of it is simply being able to “Observe” your emotions without being
attached to them.
In my own life, fear was a major concern in my
martial arts training. This is precisely why it took me SEVENTEEN
YEARS to earn my first black belt. I had a morbid fear of sparring. I
was good at it. I’d never been hurt. Hell, I’d taken second place at
the 1972 National Korean Karate competitions, and been congratulated on
my technique by Joon Rhee himself, the “Father of American Tae Kwon
Do.” But I had only wrapped technique around my fear like a candy
shell around a Tootsie Pop’s chewy center.
Under stress, the whole
structure collapsed. And friends, if you are trying to move forward in
any hierarchical activity, you will be stress-tested to ego
destruction. No matter how you twist and turn, eventually life lays
you bare. And I couldn’t face the Gorgon.
It took me years of
searching to finally find my answer, in the shape of a Shorei Chito Ryu
instructor named Terry Letteau, and HIS instructor, Harley Reagan.
These men opened the door to real understanding, that my fear was just…a
feeling. It didn’t mean that I couldn’t, or shouldn’t, or mustn’t, or
that I was small and weak, or that I was a coward. It was just there,
and the labels I added to it were what was draining my strength away.
another subject. The point is that every day, you need to directly
engage with your emotions. You both use them as fuel, and study them as
a source of conflict. If you say “Ever day in every way I’m getting
better and better” what voices come up in your head? Whose voices are
If you say “I’m grateful for my life” do you believe it?
If you seek things in your past and present that you can be proud of, do
you lie to yourself and say “there is nothing. I’ve never done
anything” and disempower yourself?
If you are going to direct
your life, to have your dreams, you have to use all your tools. And
that means keeping them in the very best condition. And that means to
inspect them, under controlled conditions, like a pilot inspecting his
plane and going through his check list BEFORE he is in the air…every
damned day.
Raise your emotions. Think of what you love, what
you are proud of, what you hope for. All the things you have to be
grateful for. Look for “tiny” miracles if you want: the fact that you
can read, walk, talk. That you live in a world where you can share
knowledge you didn’t have to shed blood and skin to learn…just by
opening a book. That you didn’t have to hunt your own meat, grow your
own fruit, pave your own roads. That you are part of a web of
association, billions of individuals working together to increase the
possibility for all. Be grateful for your children, parents, friends.
For health, for love, for your past accomplishments and future
Yes, there will ALWAYS be storm clouds. Everyone has
them. But the way you get through them is by shrinking your ego until
you can fit into whatever specks of blue sky you can find. And when you
do that…the storm clouds shrink, and you’ll find the room to do your
So…raise your emotions. Every day. And then…surf the wave!
Posted by
Steven Barnes
4:53 AM